This weekend drill will be my fourth since getting back in the Guard. It will also be the fourth time I've worn the same set of now apparently unauthorized BDUs to drill. If it's like the last time, I'll have a number of lieutenants telling me that I'm not allowed to wear them anymore. And like last time, I'll have to tell that I haven't been issued any uniforms yet. Or any equipment of any sort. In four months. Because there isn't any money for issuing uniforms.
This is somewhat of a problem, as I will be sent off to Texas for nearly a month in January, and none of our drills after this one are at our armory. I foresee a call from supply the day before heading off to Texas, requesting that I drive down to the armory (three hours one way) to sign for my uniforms. Which wouldn't be a big deal, if I had a desk job. Unfortunately, acutely ill people show up when they need too at the hospital, and randomly requesting days off without notice doesn't gain you any love from the supervisors.
I'm going to look strange running around a medical clinic in the Sinai wearing a Ramones t-shirt, olive drab fatigue pants covered in paint splatter, and hiking boots when that one pair of BDUs finally wears out.