Monday, July 30, 2007

Under The Radar?

Yesterday I had Fox News on while I was working on the house in the morning. I explicitly heard a brief story that the current Pope had made a recent statement the Islam is a threat to the Christian heritage of Europe, and that this needed to be recognized by the populace. Also something about "misunderstood respect for Islam" also being a cause for concern. I've tried in vain to find anything referencing that story, which I didn't notice repeated over the next several hours.

Given the "Arab street's" tendency to break things every time someone holds them accountable, I'm amazed I can't find anything on this. I figured there would be riots somewhere by this time.

Still, I think something will pop up sooner or later about the Pope's latest bout of unjustified fear of a religion known worldwide for it's tolerance and love of diversity.

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