I hope everyone had as pleasant a Christmas as I've had. Lots of positive family interaction, way too much food, the better part of a Sam Adam's winter sampler twelve-pack, cards from friends & family, and some very thoughtful gifts. Which, speaking of cards, apparently some people are offended when Christmas cards mention the Christian faith. So upset they feel the need to bring it up on their nationally televised
kitchen gossip chat show.
What happened to all that love and understanding for everyone that comes with being a dedicated multi-culturist? Gotta love that insightful, well-reasoned statement: "Don't you think it's interesting the President of all the people is sending out a
religious Christmas card?" I'm really looking forward to the outrage when she gets an Easter card mentioning the Resurrection. "
Can you believe this? What's the President doing dragging religion into a celebration of the Easter Bunny?"
(disclosure note: I'm personally an atheist, albeit one who bases his ethical practices on my Protestant roots, and apparently appreciates the role of Christianity in Western culture more than a number of people who are nominally Christians. And given my choice, I prefer Christians; they've overwhelmingly moved past killing people for different beliefs a long time ago, and most of the atheists I've met seem to be
sour, left-leaning individuals.)
Hat tip to