Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm Off

By the time this post comes out, my flight to Afghanistan should be days past, thereby complying with Army security standards. As I write this, I’m waiting to get on the aircraft I can see a few hundred yards away. To get to this point, it’s taken stuffing 200 lbs of gear into 150 lbs worth of space; a bus ride from hell in tiny seats, where both myself and the guy next to me exceed the provided shoulder width of the seats by a three inches apiece on both sides; and sitting in a concrete bay floor at the airport for several hours so far, with the possibility of sleeping on it for the night if the lightning doesn’t desist soon. And we’ve still the roughly twenty hours of flight to look forward to. Based on personal experience, I would rather sit through an hour of incoming mortar rounds. But it sounds like we’ll get to experience that too, so I’ll get to see if my memories of which are less irritating are accurate. Makes me wonder if the old troop ship concept was a better way to go; at least you could walk around if the weather wasn’t too bad.


West, By God said...

Godspeed! As it gets quieter and quieter over here in Iraq, I have a feeling my next stop will be somewhere in the 'stan.

MauserMedic said...

Good odds of that, I'd guess.

claymore said...

Keep your buttons in the dirt when you hear "The flutter" and come back to us in the same shape you left us. Post when and if you can.

BobG said...

Best of luck. Drop us a post if you get the chance.