Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ugly Gun Sunday


Wuulf said...

Call me picky, but if I'm going to shoot a gun, I would like a clearly recognizable place to put my hands that isn't touching the metal that will be super hot when it fires. Some sights would be nice too.

randy said...

you know...i am beginning to get the strong immpression that building one's own burp gun ain't ALL THAT damn difficult!

illegal, yes...dangerous, maybe...but probably no harder than a home plumbing project, say...

and wuulf, i've nevr understood why sights were so necessary on a spraygun like this-isnt the idea an explosion of lead at shortish range rather than a directed stream of fire?

Papa Whiskey said...

A Sten with the stock busted off. Looks like one of those gas-pipe specials hammered out on shops in Pakistan's Northwest Frontier District.

Of course, ALL Stens are basically gas-pipe specials ...

Anonymous said...

Danish resistance sten (?)