Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ugly Gun Sunday


Wuulf said...

Well, its a Glock painted up to advertise someone's deep love of Hummer H2s. I kinda feel sorry for the glock, and the guy that had do paint it.

A fool and his money...

Papa Whiskey said...

Bleaggh! Aren't Glocks butt-ugly enough as it is? Not to mention too plastic, too foreign, and too squooshy-triggered ...

Papa Whiskey said...

BTW, add "The Gun" by C.J. Chivers to your reading list. It's a history of the AK -- including the hideous tale of the M-16 debacle in Vietnam -- and is exceedingly well done. Chivers, an ex-Marine and New York Times correspondent, also has a blog on small arms in Afghanistan:

Yeah, I know -- the Old Gray Whore. Chivers' stuff is good, though.