Sunday, October 30, 2011

The World-Wide Constitution

Apparently the Constitution applies to everyone, not just U.S. citizens. Reading "Alabama immigration battle recalls civil rights past" written by Phillip Rawls of the Associated Press, individuals who have intentionally entered this country illegally are equivalent to to black citizens who were denied their constitutional rights in the past. And the evil Republican/Conservative/Capitalist hordes are attempting to deny the children of those individuals their "constitutional right to go to school".

It must be nice to live an a world where there's no economic or cultural consequences to idiocy.


RJIII said...

Need tshirts and bumper stickers saying "If we didn't have so many rules protecting IDIOTS, we wouldn't have near as many IDIOTS.

GardenSERF said...

Another example of re-writing rules on the fly via legislating from the bench (and violating separation of powers) for the sake of votes in DC.

cmblake6 said...

Uhm, no? The Constitution applies to American Citizens. We are at war. Anyone here NOT an American Citizen, or without some legitimate authorization to be here, is a foreign invader. During time of war, any patriotic American citizen is required to engage and either capture or kill such. Foreign invaders have NO Constitutional rights. None.