Friday, November 2, 2007

Ugly Gun Sunday

comes early this weekend, courtesy of the National Guard. In other words, computer access will be limited.

Keeping with the gold theme, this week we have the National Socialist Pimp Luger. How better to show your favorite white supremacist buddies your exceptional aesthetic taste than by displaying an uber-masculine death's head emblazoned Luger? Sure it's pricey, but doesn't your inner Sturmbahnfuhrer deserve the best?


BobG said...

Makes it look sort of cheap, doesn't it?
One of the prettiest Lugers I ever saw was one about 45 years ago. Met a WWI vet out shooting with my dad, and he had one he had taken off an officer he had just shot in the trenches. It was blued midnight black, had scrimshaw ivory grips, and some light gold inlay work, just enough to be tasteful. Beautiful gun.

MauserMedic said...


I do believe a gun can be tastefully upgraded, such as presentation pieces with gold inlay inscriptions, or well executed grips. Personally, I can't think of a gift that demonstrates personal respect and admiration better than a finely engraved, personalized firearm. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll ever be on the receiving end of one :).

Anonymous said...

It's generally inadvisable to be on the receiving end of any firearm.

Ride Fast said...

God, that Luger is just hideous. I didn't notice the deaths head emblem when I first looked at it.

That and the gold make it obscene. All it's missing is a Jewish skin holster. Bleh.

CocaCola4blood said...

This symbolizes, precicsely, the self image of the Third Riech's Inner Circle. It's exactly the sort of show peice Heinrich Himmler would traipse around Wewelsburg with during his Teutonic Crusader period.