I'm guessing from the buttstock that it's a Mauser, from what looks like a bolt disassembly inlay. The scope reminds me of some of the ones I've seen on the old Mosin 91/30 sniper models, although I'm too lazy to seriously research that. What really makes it interesting is what I believe is an attempt at a locally produced suppressor that appears to be made from some kind of plastic pipe. Shame the photographer couldn't get a closer shot of the uncovered action.
I was able to zoom in on it, and I'm not certain it is plastic pipe. I'm seeing what looks like welds on each end of the pipe.
Does look like a Russian scope, or something from a Romanian PSL.
And yeah, I think those are welds. Wonder what cartridge, and how well it works?
Metal would make more sense for durability, but what would the weight be on something like that? Wouldn't be very useful in a shoot and scoot situation.
R.I.P. to my friend MSgt Aaron Torian who was Killed by a IED yesterday, the man pictured in the photo above
My thoughts are with all his family and friends...what a shame to have been taken in a foreign country. May his buddies all be safe and come home soon!
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