Excellent in technical execution. Abysmal in taste.
....this is going to be my deer rifle this year and maybe shoot some more squirrels this fall if this does not sell this next week last chance for this one of a kind match quality 45 acp rifle. this is the ultimate rifle to put a can on it is proven accuracy in the match ring as a off hand rifle and has won alot of matches. this rifle has a custom made french walnut stock that no picture will show it s beauty and it was made on a shortened springfield bolt action with a douglas air gauged xxxxx 1 in 18 twist barrel app 19 inches long this is 100 percent a custom rifle that you could not get made for 2 grand and it also has a match chamber i was going to cut off just enough of the barrel to make a cherry so you could shoot 400 grain bullets by pre rifling the bullets in the cherry made from the end of the barrel this is true match rifle.....Res ipsa loquitur.