Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Over the past few days, there's been a lot of it. When you have several hundred troops going through briefings and signing off on paperwork, it takes time. We've had briefings on readjustment to civilian environments, being around family, benefits, emotional states, and motorcycle safety, as well as several others that have blurred into one long memory of sitting a room for hours trying to stay awake thanks to subject matter and jet lag. The high-speed OCP camouflage gear has been turned in, with the hated body armor being the least missed. Now, all that remains is signing of the DD214s, and a bus ride to the final formation.
This is the third time I've demobilized the Ft McCoy, WI. I can say that the staff of civilian employees handling the process here has consistently gotten more efficient each time, and managed to be friendly and helpful every time. Sadly, the demob process will be shifting to Camp Shelby, MS in the near future. I can't say I know anything about how friendly and efficient their staff will be, but I do know what it's like to be there in August, and I don't envy anyone that.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Ugly Gun Sunday

Plus, a big thank you to the volunteers who do the deployment "welcome home line" coming off the plane in Bangor, Maine. That group was there at 0300 in the AM when I came back from Iraq in 2004, and they're still at it, making sure troops are getting access to cell phones to call home, coffee, and small oddly dressed dogs as soon as they get off the plane in the US. They're good people.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Ugly Gun Sunday

Today's Type 53 Bubba Gun (anyone know if there's a chinese equivalent for "Bubba"?) brought to you from a large circus tent full of bunkbeds on Bagram Air Fieldcourtesy of IO Global internet services, whose marketing slogans should be:
"If it sucks to be where you are, that's where we are"
"Internet service that works all of the time, fifty percent of the time"
I'll admit I got spoiled in Iraq back in '03. Having a head cook who works for General Dynamics outside the Guard not only set up a custom intranet for your company, but who also gets you a direct link to a contractor's satellite uplink through trading on an exceptional ability to make hooch from excess fruit got me on one of the fastest nets I've seen outside the US. Here, uploading a single image takes up to 30 minutes.
But not for much longer..........
Friday, July 15, 2011

The army will provide you with tool kits. It just has a hard time keeping up with the knuckleheads who keep breaking or losing parts. Here we a very nice DeWalt battery powered set. Unfortunately, we don’t have:
Spare driver bits
Drill bits
Saw Blades
Wait, the last one is wrong. We do have a Mark I Afghan hammer, AKA, a big rock. Not worth a damn for pulling nails, but you can really slam them in once you’ve got your technique down.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Gamberi Factoids

There are no trees on the American portion of the post. In fact, there are no plants taller than two feet, and there's less than five of those.

Gamberi lies adjacent to the Silk Road once used to bring silk, spices, jewels, and other goodies my barely out of the caves forbears in Europe used to treasure. In fact, the route (one of them) is at the base of the mountain over the security wall below:

And last; this same view gives you an unimpeded sonic pathway to the ANA's intermittent, unannounced demolition of various arms and explosives.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Have you ever wondered.....

what Jalalabad looks like from a helicopter? Neither have I, but here are some images anyway.
Looks rather average;
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
A Brief look at the Office
The other trauma table. Sadly, they've both been used for a mass casualty event shortly before I arrived here.
Aside from sarcasm, this has been an excellent Aid Station set up, and it's provided good service to the soldier, interpreters, and contractors. I just handed over the keys to my replacements today, and I'll getting ready to ship out soon.
Monday, July 4, 2011
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