I'm afraid I have to disagree about this being an ugly gun. It looks like a prop from the better caliber of scifi films. And much better than the P11, which not only looks like a derringer with the mumps, but has to be sent to the factory for reloading.
There were assault rifles developed that followed the 307; the APS (Avtomat Podvodnyy Spetsialnyy) that only worked well underwater, and the ASM-DT amphibious rifle, which was meant to solve the problem of firing in and out of the water by using two ammunition types.
Is that one of those Russian handguns capable of firing underwater?
It is indeed.
I'm afraid I have to disagree about this being an ugly gun. It looks like a prop from the better caliber of scifi films. And much better than the P11, which not only looks like a derringer with the mumps, but has to be sent to the factory for reloading.
There were assault rifles developed that followed the 307; the APS (Avtomat Podvodnyy Spetsialnyy) that only worked well underwater, and the ASM-DT amphibious rifle, which was meant to solve the problem of firing in and out of the water by using two ammunition types.
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