Just to prove damn near anybody can make a shotgun if they're determined enough. A close look at the bolt face suggests this design may actually be a single shot that fires from an open bolt. Or the fixed striker on the bolt face simply rests against the primer until the striker provides enough force to set it off. Or dropping it. This is the gun you build when there's absolutely no other options.
Ouch! Man you whooped my ugly gun by a mile!
Xavier, if Orcs made guns, this is what they would crank out.
Thing is, if you need a gun...
Remember, it only has to work once. Then you will be in possession of a nice, shiny, new assault rifle.
That has to be in the list of the top ten ugly guns of all time.
So you mean that if you outlawed guns altogether, and stopped the creation of all factory guns, criminals would still find a way to arm themselves, and only the law-abiding would be unarmed?
i disagree i think this gun looks great
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