Monday, March 17, 2008

"To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence." - Sydney Smith

Just saw The Wife off to home after a four day pass. I'm fortunate beyond what I deserve in the spouse I have. My, or more properly our, second deployment with a teenage boy, three dogs, and a century-plus old house to manage on her own for over a year, and not a complaint out of her. Plus she took time off work to fly half way across the country to spend few days with me, even though it's a major disruption to the juggling act she has to do with work and home.


Thank You. My life would be so much less without you. I hope I'm able to be worthy of the personal sacrifices you've made for me.

I love you, and I'm a better person because of your love.

1 comment:

BobG said...

Glad you were able to spend time with her; I know I'd be lost without my better half.