Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ugly Gun Sunday

Where does inspiration for something like this come from? Was someone watching a shooter with a T/C Encore, and thought "Wow, that's really slow! I bet could whip up something a lot faster! And way prettier!" If you think stylish is slapping together an Viet Cong jungle workshop inspired upper with a factory produced receiver, this one's a winner. I look forward to the new NRA pistol discipline Rapid Fire Bench Bullseye sweeping ranges across the nation soon. Just as soon as the manufacturers come up with some stylish fluorescent paint schemes....


Ride Fast said...

I kind of worry about people who actually build their nightmares. Uhg.

MauserMedic said...

Ride fast,

I'd like to know where the inspiration really came from for this. And what was the point?