Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Death By Powerpoint

Two afternoons of annual mandatory briefings. More effective at inducing sleep than slamming a bottle of Nyquil on an empty stomach. Also, when answering a young Specialist's question of "what's Lautenberg?" with "one of the stupidest laws ever passed" is not appreciated by the person giving the presentation.


Bob said...

Hey, love the new banner! Good work!

MauserMedic said...

Thanks much! I need to tweak it a bit yet, but at least it's somewhat more individual.

BobG said...

Good banner; it incorporates motorcycles, medicine, and there is probably a 1903 Springfield in there somewhere that we can't see. And the '03 used a Mauser action.

MauserMedic said...


It's a shame there's not a rifle and scabbard on that bike. The other shame is whoever had to ride that bottom litter likely had permanent hearing damage from the engine.