I see Jimmy Carter has been on NBC saying that most of the resistance to President Obama's policies are due to racism. As far as I can tell, the Left must think that if a person isn't white, and the person disagreeing with them is, there can't be any reason to disagree with them other than skin color. Outside of my perception that whites are becoming quietly sick to death of being accused of being racists, I have come to believe that the politically active Left has at least one of the following core beliefs:
"People who don't think as I do are:"
Evilly Stupid Except When They're Malignantly Brilliant By Persuading The Unwashed Proles To Vote Against Their Own Best Interests As Defined By The Left.
I personally wouldn't waste a rat's rear on worrying about someone's forebears being from a different continent than mine. I worry about self-satisfied, smug, intellectually vapid, narcissistic individuals who feel the need to tell me what I should think and do to meet their standards. And socialists. But I repeat myself.
Carter's an intellectually bankrupt hack who's spent his time after the Presidency validating rigged elections in dictatorships; the only time he'll have me worrying about my ethics is if he says something I actually agree with.
Jimmeh should STFU and just go back to building houses for Habitat for Humanity.
Am I a racist if I hate assholes?
No, that's just being prejudiced...:)
But you know if you oppose liberalism you're a racist, don't you? You automatically get that melanin injection of coolness if you're a lib, and you're not really black if you're a conservative. *SIGH* Stupidity.
The older I get, the greater my belief that large number of people's intellectual development stops around age 16. The Left seems particulary susceptible to this.
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