Apparently "cougars" are morphing into sabertooths. I honestly don't believe that just being elderly necessitates wearing "old people" clothes. I personally have no intention a developing a cardigan sweater collection or strapping my pants to my ribs as I age. On the other hand: if you're hitting the latter portion of your seventies, is wearing leopard spot high-cut panties to your medical appointment really a good choice?
Jeez guy, that's gonna use up a whole week's worth of eyebleach....warn us next time.
Thanks in advance for the nightmares I will be having.
Where the heck were you to find that pic ?
Embrace the horror!
GAAAAK! This is worse than the ugliest gun you've ever posted! Come to think of it, this crone needs a gold-plated AK with rhinestones and a pink-and-purple "Hello Kitty" stock to complete her ensemble.
She looks like the madame at a zombie cathouse.
These are very good comments. Mine was just going to be a shriek.
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