I had a message on my answering machine from a gentleman who recently joined our rifle club. While he's a hunter, he didn't have much interest in anything beyond shotguns for pheasant and deer. I found out from his wife that he was looking for a range where he could practice with his slug gun after he'd missed some shots on a hunting trip that cost a fair bit of money and time. After joining the club, I'd invited him out to a local pistol match to see if I could get him interested. He got my interest by showing up with an excellent condition Colt Python that he'd bought twenty-plus years ago, plus some equally vintage handloads made by a friend. He didn't join the match, as he hadn't shot a handgun in a long time (he wasn't even sure how long it had been), but he did try some shots after the match. Things learned at that time:
1) Colt's Python is a finely made piece of machinery that's a joy to shoot;
2) Somebody's idea of a good .357 handload involves unusually large amounts of recoil and flash that's visible at noon on a sunny day.
I managed to get him out on another weekend, where he was able to shoot some pistols in .22 rimfire, .45 ACP, and 9x19; also another member showed up with his folding-stock AK-47 variant, leading to his first experience with a military-style rifle. That's where the first pleasant surprise happened; he'd always wondered why anyone should be allowed to have an "assault rifle". After a magazine through the AK, he was seriously considering putting down some money to buy one. The range session closed with him being interested in more than shotgun practice anymore.
When I returned his call today, I found out he'd gone and bought a Smith & Wesson in 9x19, and a Ruger target pistol in .22 rimfire. He's also waiting for the delivery of the 1000 rounds of 9x19 he ordered after receiving the pistol. Pleasant surprise number two.
Third; he's been out to the range three times in the last week with his wife, who's been shooting the Python, the Smith, and the Ruger.
Any day I can get another responsible person to develop an interest in handgun shooting is a good day; when they buy two new guns and get their spouse interested too, it's a great day.
Hoorah! I love it when someone gets to the range for the first time, and the aftereffects ensue.
Excellent work; it's always good to see someone help a new guy widen his horizons and join our ranks.
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